
Five things to look for during King Charles III’s coronation-
By Associated Press LONDON: King Charles III’s coronation is a chance to unite people with the history and pageantry of the ...

diabetes can be controlled by eating these five spices in diet are effective | Spices Benefits: बड़े काम के हैं खाने में इस्तेमाल होने वाले ये पांच मसाले, शुगर को फटाफट करते हैं कंट्रोल
Diabetes Controlling Tips: एक हेल्दी लाइफस्टाइल ही स्वस्थ जीवन को जन्म देती है. लेकिन आजकल लोगों के गलत खान पान ...

not only eggs these five vegetarian foods are high protein foods include in diet | Protein Foods: प्रोटीन पाने के लिए अंडा खाना मजबूरी नहीं! इन वेजीटेरियन फूड्स को भी करें ट्राई
High Protein Rich Foods Than Eggs: जब हमारे शरीर में प्रोटीन की कमी हो जाती है, तो ज्यादातर डॉक्टर अंडे ...

Texas man shoots his neighbours, kills five, for asking him to stop firing so they can sleep-
By Associated Press AUSTIN, Texas: A Texas man went next door with a rifle and began shooting his neighbors, killing ...