
What are The Omega-3 Fatty Acids Vegetarian Foods You Should Eat To Avoid Salmon Sardine Tuna Fish | Omega-3 Fatty Acids पाने के लिए मछली खाने की जरूरत नहीं, इन वेज फूड्स से भी चल जाएगा काम
Omega-3 Fatty Acids Vegetarian Sources: आमतौर पर साल्मन (Salmon), मैकेरेल (Mackerel), टूना (Tuna), और सारडाइन (Sardine) जैसी मछलियों को ओमेगा-3 ...

More than 100 dolphins, thousands of fish found dead as Brazilian governor declares state of emergency
More than 100 dolphins died in Brazil last week, and a local governor has declared a state of emergency as ...

Along with earning his own money from fish farming, he is providing employment to the people – News18 हिंदी
शिवहरि दीक्षित/हरदोई: खेती के साथ मछली पालन करके आप अपनी आमदनी आसानी से बढ़ा सकते हैं. मौजूदा वक्त में कई ...

Japanese prime minister eats fish from radioactive wastewater dump to demonstrate safety
Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and three of his cabinet ministers ate seafood sourced from the waters off the coast ...

Japan’s PM visits fish market, vows to help fisheries hit by China ban over Fukushima water release-
By Associated Press TOKYO: Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida sampled seafood and talked to workers at Tokyo’s Toyosu fish market ...

Know how men get indication of low sperm count if you are one of them then start eating fish oil | Low Sperm Count: स्पर्म काउंट कम होने पर पुरुषों को इस तरह मिलते हैं संकेत, खाना शुरु करें फिश ऑयल
आजकल, अनुचित जीवनशैली और अन्य कारणों से पुरुषों के बीच में स्पर्म काउंट की समस्या बढ़ रही है. पुरुषों में ...

Vitamin B12 Rich Vegetarian Food You Should not Eat Egg Fish Soybean Meat Broccoli Curd Oat Yogurt | Vitamin B12 Veg Source: बिना मीट और अंडा खाकर भी हासिल होगा विटामिन बी12, इन वेज फूड्स से कर लें दोस्ती
Vitamin B12 Rich Vegetarian Food: विटामिन बी-12 हमारी सेहत के लिए बेहद जरूरी न्यूट्रिएंट है अगर शरी में इसकी कमी हो ...

Adrift for months, Australian and his dog lived on raw fish until Mexican fishermen rescued them-
By Associated Press MANZANILLO: Lost at sea for months on a disabled catamaran, with no way to cook and no ...

Australian sailor, dog survived 3 months adrift in Pacific Ocean by eating raw fish, drinking rainwater
An Australian sailor and his dog, adrift for months in the Pacific Ocean, survived on his damaged vessel by eating ...