
Pope presses Muslim dialogue in first papal visit to Bahrain-
VATICAN CITY: Pope Francis is bringing his message of dialogue with the Muslim world to the kingdom of Bahrain, where ...

Lakshya Sen lost to Ng Ka Long in men singles to make a first round exit from the Hylo Open badminton Saarbrucken Germany | ये क्या… भारत का शीर्ष शटलर जर्मनी के टूर्नामेंट में पहले ही राउंड में हारा, वर्ल्ड चैंपियनशिप में जीता है मेडल
Lakshya Sen in Hylo Open-2022 : भारतीय स्टार शटलर लक्ष्य सेन को जर्मनी के एक बैडमिंटन टूर्नामेंट में बड़े उलटफेर ...

Pope Francis’ first visit to Bahrain to cement ties with Islam-
VATICAN CITY: Pope Francis will become the first pontiff in history to visit Bahrain, in a trip this week that is ...