
Venice day-trippers will face steep fines if they fail to pay an access fee under a pilot program
MILAN (AP) — Day-trippers to the fabled canal city of Venice who fail to pay 5 euros ($5.43) to enter ...

Tuberculosis can occur even if there is no continuous cough TB infection can also spread through breathing | 80 प्रतिशत से ज्यादा टीबी मरीजों में खांसी के लक्षण नहीं, सांस से फैल रहा संक्रमण
ट्यूबरक्लोसिस (टीबी) एक गंभीर संक्रामक बीमारी है, जो आमतौर पर खांसी से फैलती है. लेकिन हालिया शोध में एक चौंकाने ...

Major internet outage hits dozens of countries in Africa as undersea cables fail
Internet analysis firm Cloudflare reported a pattern in the timing of the disruptions that heavily impacted at least 10 countries ...