
China wants Taiwan for more than ‘historical value,’ could disrupt global power dynamic: experts
China has more than just historical claims behind its ambitions to take Taiwan, specifically greater industrial production capabilities available on ...

Ignoring experts, China’s sudden zero-COVID exit cost lives-
By Associated Press BEIJING: When China suddenly scrapped onerous zero-COVID measures in December, the country wasn’t ready for a massive ...

Enemies no longer fear US response after Biden botched Afghanistan, experts say amid balloon, drone clashes
America’s credibility among its adversaries has dwindled under President Biden, with some experts arguing a line can be drawn from ...

Vitamin D: Does sunshine vitamin get from the sunlight coming from the window glass Know what experts say | Vitamin D: खिड़की के शीशे से आने वाली सूरज की रोशनी से क्या विटामिन डी मिलता है? जानिए क्या कहते हैं एक्सपर्ट
Vitamin D: ऐसा बहुत कुछ है जो हम विटामिन और खनिजों के बारे में जानते हैं और बहुत कुछ ऐसा ...

Kidney Health: Cold or hot what kind of water keep kidney healthy Know what experts say | Kidney Health: ठंडा या गर्म, किडनी को स्वस्थ रखने के लिए कैसा पानी पिएं? जानें क्या कहते हैं एक्सपर्ट
Kidney Health: किडनी हमारे शरीर के सबसे अहम अंगों में से एक है, जो शरीर से सारी गंदगी को बाहर ...

China has stolen US military secrets to create formidable J-20 knockoff of America’s F-22 Raptor: experts
China achieved its fifth-generation fighter jet by copying U.S. military tech, and it could maintain its pacing challenge for the ...