
Hungary PM rips Western European immigration policies, says he doesn’t want ‘mini Gazas in Budapest’
Hungary Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said he does not want his country to copy the “failed migration policies” of Western ...

France to host next AI safety summit as European nations jockey for tech leadership
European nations continue to jockey for leadership on artificial intelligence (AI), with Paris announcing it will host the next safety ...

EU officials recommend beginning negotiations to bring Ukraine into the European Union
Top European Union officials recommended on Wednesday that Ukraine be invited to begin membership talks as soon as it meets ...

Pro-Hamas protests have European politicians worried as US watches closely
WATCH: Pro-Palestinian rallies across Europe Many in Europe are concerned that thousands of people have marched to show support for ...

Leaders of European Union’s Mediterranean nations huddle in Malta to discuss migration-
By Associated Press VALLETTA: The leaders of nine southern European Union countries met in Malta on Friday to discuss common ...

European court rules Turkey violated rights in ByLock app cases
The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that the rights of a Turkish teacher who was convicted of terrorism ...

European Union member states weaken proposal to lower vehicle emissions
European Union member countries have watered down a proposal by the bloc’s executive arm aimed at lowering vehicle emissions.The European ...

Shoplifting ‘epidemic’ hits major European city as stores offer to equip staff with bodycams
Major retail chains in the United Kingdom have grown so concerned about increased shoplifting they have provided employees with body ...

Ryanair adjusts Dublin winter schedule, shifts focus to greener aircraft at other European airports
Ryanair said on Thursday it will cut 17 routes from its winter schedule at its home base in Dublin and ...