
Oldest DNA reveals life in Greenland two million years ago-
By Associated Press NEW YORK: Scientists discovered the oldest known DNA and used it to reveal what life was like 2 ...

काशी-तमिलियन का DNA एक, BHU और हैदराबाद के वैज्ञानिकों ने किया चौंकाने वाला खुलासा, जानें सब कुछ
वाराणसी. बाबा विश्वनाथ के शहर बनारस (Banaras) में हो रहे ‘काशी तमिल संगमम’ में दो राज्यों की सभ्यता और संस्कृति का ...

Holocaust survivors offered DNA test kits from New York-based Center for Jewish History to help find family
For decades, Jackie Young had been searching.Orphaned as an infant, he spent the first few years of his life in ...

Holocaust survivors offered DNA tests to help find family-
By Associated Press NEW YORK: For decades, Jackie Young had been searching. Orphaned as an infant, he spent the first ...

दर्दभरी कहानी: मेरठ मेडिकल कॉलेज में 12 साल की बच्ची बनी मां, DNA से होगी पिता की पहचान
हाइलाइट्सगाज़ियाबाद की रहने वाली 12 साल की बच्ची के साथ सामूहिक दुष्कर्म हुआ था.बच्ची ने अब अब मेरठ मेडिकल कॉलेज ...

Swede Paabo who sequenced Neanderthal DNA wins Nobel Medicine Prize-
By AFP STOCKHOLM: Swedish paleogeneticist Svante Paabo, who sequenced the genome of the Neanderthal and discovered the previously unknown hominin ...

Donkey domestication happened 7,000 years ago in Africa: DNA study
The paper, published in the journal Science, was the result of an international collaboration led by Evelyn Todd at the ...