
Mexican journalist disappears after being kidnapped ‘in a violent manner’
A prominent journalist in western Mexico was abducted by armed men and has not been seen since, prosecutors said Tuesday.The ...

Do you know about 30-30-30 rule for weight loss reduce belly fat also get disappears | 30-30-30 Rule: वजन घटाने के इस खास नियम को जानते हैं आप? पेट की चर्बी भी हो जाती है गायब
आज की आधुनिक और अनहेल्दी लाइफस्टाइल के कारण अधिकतर लोग मोटापे से जूझ रहे हैं. ऐसे में 30-30-30 वजन घटाने ...

‘ISIS Beatle’ Alexanda Kotey disappears from US prison system records
The notorious terrorist and member of the ISIS cell dubbed “The Beatles,” who was serving a life sentence for the ...

Worker disappears after he was accidentally paid 300 times his salary
NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles! A worker in Chile submitted his resignation and could not be found ...