
Shamed once again in ghaziabad 4 year old innocent adopted father did not make her a victim

Shamed once again in ghaziabad 4 year old innocent adopted father did not make her a victim


अमित रानागाजियाबाद: उत्तर प्रदेश के गाजियाबाद के टीला मोड़ थाना क्षेत्र में बीती 12 तारीख को 4 साल की बच्ची ...

Principal did rape with lady in school campus fir lodged

Principal did rape with lady in school campus fir lodged


CNN name, logo and all associated elements ® and © 2020 Cable News Network LP, LLLP. A Time Warner Company. ...

BJP demands rollback of NSA invoked by Chhattisgarh govt-

How did BJP lose its five-time Pune bastion Kasba Peth?-


Express News Service MUMBAI: The BJP failed to retain Kasba Peth Assembly seat, its stronghold in Maharashtra, as Congress candidate ...

BJP demands rollback of NSA invoked by Chhattisgarh govt-

How did BJP lose its five-time Pune battalion Kasba Peth?-


Express News Service MUMBAI: The BJP failed to retain Kasba Peth Assembly seat, its stronghold in Maharashtra, as Congress candidate Ravindra ...

BJP demands rollback of NSA invoked by Chhattisgarh govt-

Why did BJP lose the prestigious and high voltage by-elections battle Kasba Peth in Maharashtra?Why-


Express News Service MUMBAI: BJP failed to retain Kasba Peth Assembly seat, its stronghold in Maharashtra, as Congress candidate Ravindra Dhangekar defeated ...

UK is grappling with vegetable shortages. How did it happen?-

UK is grappling with vegetable shortages. How did it happen?-


By Associated Press LONDON: When European Union chief Ursula von der Leyen visited Britain last week, some joked on social ...

Lucknow if you did not eat this nawabi dish then what did you eat everything from sweet to nonveg is included in the menu

Lucknow if you did not eat this nawabi dish then what did you eat everything from sweet to nonveg is included in the menu


रिपोर्ट/अंजलि सिंह राजपूत लखनऊ. राजधानी लखनऊ को नवाबों की नगरी कहा जाता है. यहां पर आज भी नवाबों की बनाई ...


Fitness Mistakes: you will lose too much muscle mass if you did these 5 fitness mistakes | Fitness Mistakes: आपकी मसल्स को कम कर सकती हैं 5 फिटनेस गलतियां, इन बातों पर दें ध्यान वरना नहीं बनेगी बॉडी


Fitness Mistakes: यदि आपका वजन अधिक है तो अपनी कसरत को बढ़ाने और कैलोरी की खपत को कम करने से ...

Adm ritu suhas has created a storm in the fashion world she did cat walk in agra taj festival

Adm ritu suhas has created a storm in the fashion world she did cat walk in agra taj festival


हरिकांत शर्मा आगरा. उत्तर प्रदेश के आगरा ताज महोत्सव में रविवार की शाम वर्ल्ड डिजाइनिंग फोन के द्वारा कल्चरल फैशन ...

'Sometimes I kept two days for shoot but Shah Rukh did it in two hours': Filmmaker Rajkumar Hirani-

‘Sometimes I kept two days for shoot but Shah Rukh did it in two hours’: Filmmaker Rajkumar Hirani-


By Express News Service Filmmaker Rajkumar Hirani is all praises for Shah Rukh Khan’s work ethic. The actor is collaborating ...