
World Disability Day How To Detect Child Impairment At Early Stage Screening Medical Care | World Disability Day: बच्चों की डिसेबिलिटी का जल्द पता लगाना क्यों है जरूरी? इस तरह उठा सकते हैं कदम
Children With Disabilities: हर साल 3 दिसंबर को यूनाइटेड नेशंस इंटरनेशनल डे ऑफ पर्सन्स विद डिसेबिलिटी (United Nations’ International Day ...

Which test can detect mysterious fever of China know what preparation is done in India | China Pneumonia Outbreak: किस टेस्ट से पकड़ में आ सकता है चीन का रहस्यमयी बुखार? जानिए क्या है भारत की तैयारी
कोविड-19 के बाद चीन में तेजी से फैल रही एक अन्य बीमारी से दुनियाभर के लोगों की चिंता बढ़ा दी ...

Every lump on body is not a sign of cancer know some common tests to detect cancer | शरीर पर होने वाली हर गांठ कैंसर का संकेत नहीं, जान लीजिए Cancer के कुछ कॉमन टेस्ट
Common test for cancer: शरीर के किसी भी हिस्से में गांठ का नाम सुनते ही एक डर दिमाग पर हावी ...

New AI tech aims to detect the origin of cancers for optimal treatments: ‘An important step’
For a small percentage of cancer patients, doctors are unable to determine where in the body the disease originated.To help ...

AI tech aims to detect breast cancer by mimicking radiologists’ eye movements: ‘A critical friend’
Researchers in the U.K. are training artificial intelligence models to “read” mammogram images by mimicking the gaze of human radiologists, ...

COVID air monitor from scientists can detect virus in indoor settings within 5 minutes
A research team said it is paving the way for an easier detection of virus variants within indoor spaces. Scientists have ...

INTERVIEW | ‘AI can help auditors detect corporate frauds through smart analysis’
By Express News Service Auditing firms use artificial intelligence (AI) tools to detect corporate frauds that auditors may miss. The ...

Talk therapy? AI may detect ‘earliest symptoms’ of dementia by analyzing speech patterns
A new artificial intelligence-powered tool aims to detect signs of dementia, Alzheimer’s and other memory disorders by analyzing a person’s ...

Pregnancy predictions: AI technology could detect signals of preterm births
A deep learning model predicts preterm births by analyzing electrical activity in the woman’s uterus during pregnancy. Click the article ...