
North Korean human rights remain virtually non-existent, State Department finds
The U.S. State Department on Monday released its annual Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, showing human rights abuses at ...

Mexico’s Defense Department finds 1.8 million fentanyl pills in border city
Mexico’s Defense Department said Tuesday that soldiers found over 1.83 million fentanyl pills at a stash house in the border ...

Liquor sales broken record on holi in kanpur confirmation of excise department
हाइलाइट्सकानपुर शहर ने होली पर तोड़ा शराब बिक्री का रिकॉर्डपिछले साल की तुलना में इस साल 20% अधिक बिकी शराबकानपुर ...

Holi 2023 health department alert ctors and health workers canceled
संजय यादव बाराबंकी. उत्तर प्रदेश के बाराबंकी जनपद में होली पर्व के मद्देनजर स्वास्थ्य विभाग पूरी तरह से सतर्क है. चिकित्सकों ...

Health department on high alert on holi festival in noida contact on these numbers in case emergency
हाइलाइट्सस्वास्थ विभाग ने जिला अस्पताल और सीएचसी में अतिरिक्त बेडों की व्यवस्था की गई हैस्वास्थ्य केंद्रों पर आपात स्थिति से ...

Covid-19 likely came from lab leak in China, says news report citing US energy department-
By PTI WASHINGTON: The virus that drove the COVID-19 pandemic, killing close to 7 million people globally, most likely emerged ...

US energy department-
By Online Desk WASHINGTON: The Covid-19 pandemic most likely arose from a laboratory leak, the US Energy Department has concluded, ...