
Ukraine says world’s largest plane damaged-
By PTI KYIV: Ukraine’s defense industry conglomerate says the world’s largest plane that was in regular operation was heavily damaged in ...

Troop of monkeys damaged 34 cctv cameras installed in and around election control room nodmk3
पीलीभीत. उत्तर प्रदेश विधानसभा चुनाव 2022 को लेकर वैसे तो कई वाकये सामने आ रहे हैं, लेकन यह खबर सुनकर ...

IAEA reviews water release from damaged Japan nuclear plant-
By PTI TOKYO: A team from the International Atomic Energy Agency on Monday began its review of Japan’s plan to begin ...

In mahoba a farmer commit suicide due to hail storm crops were damaged because of weather nodnc
महोबा. जिले में ओलावृष्टि से फसलों को काफी नुकसान हुआ है. इस कड़ी में महोबा में ओले गिरने से फसल ...

Amitabh Bachchan liver is 75 percent damaged due to liver cirrhosis disease know symptoms and tratment brmp | वो बीमारी जिसकी वजह से बॉलीवुड के ‘शहंशाह’ का लिवर 75% हो चुका है खराब, जानिए लक्षण और बचाव
बीमारी के मारे ये सितारे/भूपेंद्र राय: बॉलीवुड के एंग्री यंग मैन से महानायक बनने तक के सफर में अमिताभ बच्चन ...

Winter rain floods Gaza homes damaged in last spring’s war-
By Associated Press BEIT LAHIYA: The first rainstorm of winter sent water pouring into Ghalia al-Attar’s house through cracks in ...

Stuck in South China Sea, damaged US Navy nuclear submarine strikes uncharted underwater seamount-
By AFP WASHINGTON: A US Navy nuclear submarine that was severely damaged in an accident while submerged in the South China ...