
Russia hits new daily COVID record: 180,000 cases
Despite the soaring infections, Putin told Russia's top business association last week that authorities are not planning any lockdowns or ...

US daily COVID-19 cases fall below 500K, data shows
For the first time in weeks, new daily COVID-19 cases in the U.S. were reported below the 500,000 mark. Data from ...

Russia nears 100,000 daily infections as omicron rages-
By PTI MOSCOW: Russian authorities on Friday reported over 98,000 new confirmed coronavirus cases, but according to the Kremlin, the ...

daily habits for fast weight loss know how to reduce belly fat and weight loss tips samp | Fast Weight loss: ये आदतें अपनाने के बाद पिघलने लगेगी पेट की चर्बी, वेट लॉस के बाद मिलेगी पतली कमर
Daily Habits for Weight loss: शरीर का वजन ज्यादा होना हमेशा ही एक समस्या बनी रहती है. जो कि मोटापे, ...

Increased daily exercise for 10 minutes could prevent more than 100K deaths a year: study
An increase in daily physical activity of 10 minutes could help to save more than 100,000 lives, researchers say. In a ...

With 63,205 new cases, Russia sets another daily virus record amid Omicron surge-
By PTI MOSCOW: New coronavirus infections in Russia reached an all-time high on Sunday, the third consecutive daily record as ...

Carrot Health benefits know benefits of eating carrots daily in winter gajar khane ke fayde brmp | Carrot Health benefits: ठंड के सीजन में इस वक्त करें सुपर फूड गाजर का सेवन, ये मिलेंगे ये जबरदस्त फायदे
Carrot Health benefits: सर्दियों के मौसम में लोगों के घरों में अनेक प्रकार की डिश बनना शुरू हो जाती है. ...