
Recycling plastic alone not enough, warns UN environment chief-
By AFP UNITED NATIONS: With the production of plastic on the rise worldwide and creating ever more pollution, the UN ...

PAK Chief Selector Inzamam Ul Haq responds to reporter question on kuldeep yadav usko mai nahi chun sakta | कुलदीप को मैं PAK टीम में नहीं चुनता… चीफ सेलेक्टर इंजमाम ने ये क्या कह दिया?
Pakistan Cricket Team in World Cup : पाकिस्तान ने आगामी वनडे वर्ल्ड कप (ODI World Cup-2023) के लिए अपनी 15 ...

UN chief says people are looking to leaders for action and a way out of the current global ‘mess’-
By Associated Press UNITED NATIONS: Leaders of a world fractured by war, climate change and persisting inequality gather under one ...