
Present bjp government is friend of businessman says state minister mahesh gupta – UP Assembly Election : महेश गुप्ता बोले
हरदोई. चुनावी माहौल में हर नेता आजकल रोज नए बयान देते हैं. हाल ही हरदोई के रसखान प्रेक्षागृह में आयोजित ...

Kanpur Dowry Murder Case accused businessman and mother shows daughter in law atrocities
कानपुर. उत्तर प्रदेश के कानपुर में हाई प्रोफाइल मसाला कारोबारी सूर्यांश खरबंदा की पत्नी आंचल की मौत (Kanpur Dowry Murder case) ...

Hardoi a businessman killed her daughter and wife and killed himself too
हरदोई. तनाव अक्सर व्यक्ति के सोचने समझने की शक्ति को समाप्त कर देता है और इस कारण कई बार वह ...

Businessman lodges cheating case against Shilpa Shetty, Raj Kundra and others-
By PTI MUMBAI: A Mumbai-based businessman has lodged a cheating case against Bollywood actor Shilpa Shetty, her husband Raj Kundra ...

Mexico arrests businessman in Pegasus spyware case-
By Associated Press MEXICO CITY: Mexican prosecutors said Monday, November 8, 2021, they have arrested a businessman on charges he ...

Murder of a businessman by slitting his throat in Saharanpur due to suspicion of illegal relations with wife nodkp
Murder in Saharanpur: लोगों ने पुलिस को सूचना दी और आरोपी हारून को भी पकड़ लिया. मौके पर पहुंची पुलिस ...

New Zealand businessman sent to jail for child abuse images-
SYDNEY: One of New Zealand’s best-known businessmen Ron Brierley was sentenced in a Sydney court on Thursday to 14 months ...