
What Dust Pollutants Harmful Effects AQI Of Delhi NCR Air Quality Index Building Construction | धूल के कणों के बीच सांस लेने से क्या नुकसान होंगे? जानिए ऐसा करने का रिस्क
Dust Pollutants Harmful Effects: भारत के कई शहर दुनिया के सबसे ज्यादा प्रदूषित शहरों में टॉप 10 में आते हैं, ...

4-story apartment building collapse in Cairo kills 4, sparks investigation
A four-story apartment building collapsed Wednesday in the Egyptian capital, leaving at least four people dead, authorities said, as rescuers ...

Fire at multi-story building in Johannesburg leaves at least 63 dead, over 40 injured
A fire at a five-story building in downtown Johannesburg Thursday morning left at least 63 people dead and more than ...

Freefall: Elevator suddenly takes plunge in China apartment building, injuring three people
An elevator in China took a sudden drop on Aug. 26, sending three people to the hospital in an apartment ...

2 masked gunmen in Copenhagen open fire inside building, killing a man and injuring 4 others
A shooting Saturday in a Copenhagen neighborhood known for its counterculture vibe and flourishing hashish trade left a 30-year-old man ...

2 dead in Nigeria after building collapses, many more may be trapped under rubble
Rescue crews were searching for survivors Thursday after a building collapse in Nigeria’s capital left two people dead while many ...

Hundreds of patients evacuated from Los Angeles hospital building that lost power in storm’s wake-
By Associated Press LOS ANGELES: A succession of power outages at a Los Angeles hospital prompted the evacuation of 28 ...