
Armenia-Azerbaijan border clash claims casualties, dozens missing
A border skirmish between Armenia and Azerbaijan this week resulted in eight deaths and many more wounded before the nations ...

Casualties reported in Armenia-Azerbaijan border clash one year after armistice: 8 dead, dozens missing
A border skirmish between Armenia and Azerbaijan this week resulted in eight deaths and many more wounded before the nations ...

amit Shah said In DG-IG conference- focus on coastal security, left wing extremism, narcotics, cyber crime and border management – DG-IG सम्मेलन में शाह ने कहा
नोएडा. देश के गृह मंत्री अमित शाह ने आज यानी शुक्रवार को लखनऊ में 56वें पुलिस महानिदेशक/महानिरीक्षक सम्मेलन का उदघाटन ...

India, China officials meet on border issues-
By ANI NEW DELHI: India and China are holding talks on border issues on Thursday, November 18, 2021. After the ...

Clash at Poland-Belarus border stoking international tensions
Embattled migrants from the Middle East are desperate to enter the European Union but are being exploited by the Belarusian ...

Poland uses water cannon on hostile migrants throwing rocks at border: ‘Force will be used’
Polish security forces used a water cannon against migrants in Belarus who are throwing rocks across the border, video shows. “Attention, ...