
Bengaluru is fast running out of water, and a long, scorching summer still looms

Bengaluru is fast running out of water, and a long, scorching summer still looms


Palur said El Nino, a natural phenomenon that affects weather patterns worldwide, along with the city receiving less rainfall in ...

Know what are the benefits of eating beetroot and drinking beetroot juice. – News18 हिंदी

Know what are the benefits of eating beetroot and drinking beetroot juice. – News18 हिंदी


अनमोल कुमार/मुज़फ्फरनगर. लाल रंग का दिखने वाला चुकंदर पोषक तत्वों का भंडार है. चुकंदर में कई प्रकार के विटामिन पाए ...

Pakistani airstrikes target Taliban in Afghanistan, Taliban says 8 women and children killed

Pakistani airstrikes target Taliban in Afghanistan, Taliban says 8 women and children killed


Pakistani airstrikes targeted multiple suspected hideouts of the Pakistani Taliban inside neighboring Afghanistan early on Monday, killing at least eight ...

'Shakti' I spoke about not religious, but power of unrighteousness, corruption and falsehood: Rahul Gandhi

‘Shakti’ I spoke about not religious, but power of unrighteousness, corruption and falsehood: Rahul Gandhi


NEW DELHI: Under attack for his “fight against shakti” remark made at a rally in Mumbai, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi ...

Head and neck cancer cases increasing rapidly in India AI may help to diagnose the disease in early stage | सिर और गर्दन कैंसर के बढ़ते मामले खतरे की घंटी, AI की मदद से बीमारी का जल्द चलेगा पता!

Head and neck cancer cases increasing rapidly in India AI may help to diagnose the disease in early stage | सिर और गर्दन कैंसर के बढ़ते मामले खतरे की घंटी, AI की मदद से बीमारी का जल्द चलेगा पता!


भारत समेत दुनिया भर के ज्यादातर देशों में सिर और गर्दन के कैंसर के मामलों तेजी से बढ़ रहे हैं. ...

Rampuri knife business limited to two shops, shine and edge both lost – News18 हिंदी


अंजू प्रजापति/रामपुर: भारत के प्रसिद्ध रामपुरी चाकू की कला 125 साल पुरानी है. रामपुरी चाकू यहां के कारीगरों की अनूठी ...

TikTok and its 'secret sauce' caught in US-China tussle

TikTok and its ‘secret sauce’ caught in US-China tussle


‘The secret sauce’ That ByteDance algorithm has helped drive TikTok’s stratospheric success since the app was launched for the international ...

How Russia's grab of Crimea 10 years ago led to war with Ukraine and rising tensions with the West

How Russia’s grab of Crimea 10 years ago led to war with Ukraine and rising tensions with the West


Fortunes changed last year when another Ukrainian counteroffensive failed to cut Russia’s land corridor to Crimea. Kyiv’s forces suffered heavy ...

Who is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and why is he running for president?

Who is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and why is he running for president?


Can he win?The United States has a long history of rejecting independent or third-party presidential candidates. In fact, the last ...

Anxieties and hopes of refugees in India

Anxieties and hopes of refugees in India


When bulldozers loomedAnd who is a refugee? They are people who have fled their countries to escape conflict, violence, or ...