
A single alcoholic drink per day could raise blood pressure, says study
Having just one alcoholic beverage per day could cause a spike in blood pressure, new research has revealed.The study, which ...

Fatty liver disease: 5 lifestyle and diet tips will help to reverse non alcoholic fatty liver disease | फैटी लिवर रोग को पलटने में मदद करेंगे 5 लाइफस्टाइल टिप्स, डाइट में करें ये बदलाव
Fatty liver disease: आज के आधुनिक जीवन में फैटी लिवर रोग एक आम बीमारी बनती जा रही है, जिसमें लिवर में ...

Alcoholic dog suffered ‘withdrawal’ after owner died, shelter claims: ‘A first for us’
A dog apparently suffering from alcohol withdrawal was mended back to health in what an animal welfare trust in the ...