
Lankan soldiers accused of brutally attacking Tamil journalist covering commemoration of civil war-
By PTI COLOMBO: A group of Sri Lankan soldiers have been accused of brutally attacking a Tamil journalist who attempted ...

Dalit girl kidnapped from Uttar Pradesh and raped in Delhi accused absconding nodbk
मथुरा. उत्तर प्रदेश के मथुरा (Mathura) से एक नाबालिग दलित लड़की (Minor Dalit Girl) को कथित तौर पर अगवा कर ...

German Police smash cocaine ring accused of smuggling tons-
By Associated Press BERLIN: German investigators said 14 suspects were arrested Tuesday in an investigation of a gang accused of ...

Taliban accused of using trickery to locate ex-security force members to kill them
Taliban forces have killed or disappeared more than 100 former security force members by directing them to register to receive ...

29 accused arrested with contract employee of secretariat Kaushalendra Rai in UPTET Paper Leak case upns
लखनऊ. उत्तर प्रदेश में रविवार को यूपी शिक्षक पात्रता परीक्षा रद्द (UPTET Exam 2022) कर दी गई है. पेपर लीक ...

Varanasi court lawyers beats School Sweeper accused of raping class 3 student
वाराणसी. उत्तर प्रदेश के वाराणसी में एक बड़े निजी स्कूल में कक्षा 3 की छात्रा (Varanasi School Girl Raped) के ...
Caste related comment against head constable court orders to file fir against the accused
रंगेश सिंह सोनभद्र. दलित हेडकांस्टेबल केवला प्रसाद की पिटाई मामले में विशेष न्यायाधीश एससी/एसटी एक्ट खलीकुज्ज्मा की अदालत ने शुक्रवार ...