Saif, who has acted in films such as “Omkara”, “Kal Ho Naa Ho”, “Dil Chahta Hai” as well as Netflix series “Sacred Games”, was stabbed by the intruder multiple times during Thursday’s incident inside his 12th floor apartment at ‘Satguru Sharan’ building in the upscale Bandra West area of Mumbai.Doctors said the Bollywood actor, who has been shifted out of the ICU, is able to walk and having normal diet.”We are observing his progress, and he is doing excellently well according to our expectations. As per his progress, we have advised him bed rest, and if he is comfortable, then in two to three days we will discharge him,” neurosurgeon Dr Nitin Dange who operated on him had said on Friday.Saif’s wife and actor Kareena Kapoor Khan told police in her statement that the intruder got aggressive when confronted, but did not touch jewellery kept in the open, said an official.A senior police official said the attack seemed to be a “stray incident.” “The intruder was not working for any gang, as per the prima facie investigation. He probably was not even aware whose house he had entered,” the official added.CCTV footage showed the suspected assailant, wearing a red scarf and carrying a backpack, scurrying down the stairs from the sixth floor of ‘Satguru Sharan’ around 2.30 am on Thursday.Maharashtra Minister of State for Home Yogesh Kadam has said that robbery was the motive and no underworld gang was involved.As per Dr Dange, Khan had four main wounds; two in the hand, one on the neck and “the most deep and dangerous” one in the spine.During the surgery, the doctors removed a 2.5-inch knife fragment lodged in his spine. They noted that if the knife had gone just 2 mm deeper, it could have caused a severe injury.Autorickshaw driver Bhajan Singh Rana, in whose vehicle the actor was rushed to the hospital, finds himself in limelight.Rana said he was not aware that the passenger with a blood-soaked kurta was Khan, a Bollywood star and Padma Shri awardee.”He (Saif) walked into the auto. There was a seven to eight-year-old boy who also boarded the rickshaw,” he said when asked if the actor’s son Taimur accompanied him to the hospital.”When we reached the hospital, he called out to the guard at the gate and told him: ‘Please bring a stretcher. I am Saif Ali Khan’,” he said.
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