The Supreme Court on Friday said that if the standoff between the Tamil Nadu Governor and the state government over the appointments of Vice Chancellors was not resolved by the next date of hearing, then it would step in to resolve the issue.After being apprised about the issue on Friday, a two-judge bench of the apex court, led by Justice J B Pardiwala and also including Justice R Mahadevan, said, “If it is resolved, well and good. Otherwise, we will resolve it.” It said the next hearing will be held on January 22.The bench made the observation after hearing an application filed by the Tamil Nadu government challenging the inaction of the Governor over bills relating to the sanction of prosecutions and other issues.These include remission of prisoners and notifications issued by the Governor constituting search committees which have a nominee member of the UGC for the appointment of VCs.Two writ petitions filed by the state of Tamil Nadu against the actions of the state Governor were listed before the bench on Friday.Senior advocate Abhishek Manu Singhvi and P Wilson requested the court to allow the amendment applications filed by the state.
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