Suprem Court judges cite robust judicial system as backbone of democracy


Suprem Court judges cite robust judicial system as backbone of democracy

RAIPUR: Supreme Court judge Justice Bhushan Ramakrishna Gavai speaking on a state-level conference of judicial officers on ‘Emerging Role of District Judiciary in Modern India’ at the Chhattisgarh High Court in Bilaspur on Sunday asserted the importance of a robust judicial system as the backbone of democracy. Justice Gavai reminded the judicial officers of four essential qualities of a judge: to hear courteously, to answer wisely, to consider soberly and to decide impartially citing them as “vital for fair and just decisions”. “Today technology is essential for the efficient functioning of the judiciary”, he said while highlighting the significance of the shift to virtual courts and digital operations. Justice B R Gavai urged the judicial officers to uphold social and economic justice as he exhorted them to be swift in action, to strive for excellence and integrity in their duties. A day-long conference was aimed to equip judicial officers with the better understanding, knowledge and tools to navigate the evolving judicial landscape. Justice Vikram Nath and Justice Prashant Kumar Mishra from the Supreme Court also shared profound inspiring views addressing the conference. “Unlike the ancient times, we are not rules but as judges performing sacred duties to deliver justice. The conduct of judges inside the court is equally important and they should be careful about what they speak there”, said Justice Vikram Nath. Justice Mishra underlined the pivotal role of the district judiciary while expressing that a strong and fearless district judiciary is crucial for ensuring justice at grassroots level that can uphold public confidence and deliver timely justice. Sharing his views in his welcome address, Chhattisgarh high court Chief Justice Ramesh Sinha said that through collective efforts and shared commitment, the judges can overcome challenges and strengthen the district judiciary. “Together we can build a more efficient, accessible and just judicial system for the people of Chhattisgarh”, he opined. The day-long session saw deliberations and thoughts intended to explore innovative strategies, share best practices and envision a path forward to strengthen the judiciary.The state level conference, cited as a significant officiation in Chhattisgarh’s judicial calendar, concluded with a valedictory address delivered by Justice Sanjay K Agrawal.

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