Summer flu cases up, many people vulnerable


Summer flu cases up, many people vulnerable

Hyderabad: Cases of ‘summer flu’ are rising sharply, along with the temperature, leaving hospitals and clinics with patients suffering from fever, cough, and fatigue. Doctors say the combination of heat, dehydration, and fluctuating temperatures between cool indoors and warm outdoors was making people vulnerable to viral infections, leading to a seasonal spike in flu-like illnesses.Unlike winter flu, which is often caused by viruses, summer flu is triggered by a mix of heat stress and viral infections that thrive in hot, humid conditions.“We are seeing a significant increase in patients with viral fevers, sore throats, headaches, and body aches. Many are also experiencing digestive issues like nausea and diarrhoea, which are common in summer infections,” said Dr Arvind Reddy, general physician. He explained that sudden exposure to cold air from air conditioners after being in the sun weakens the immune system, making it easier for viruses to attack.Doctors also attributed the surge in cases to dehydration and poor fluid intake, which can weaken the body’s natural defences. Many people, particularly children and the elderly, are not drinking enough water, leading to electrolyte imbalances and a higher risk of infections.“In summer, people tend to sweat more, losing essential fluids and salts. If they don’t stay hydrated, their body’s ability to fight infections reduces, making them more prone to viral illnesses,” said Dr Swapna Rao, internal medicine specialist. She added that increased consumption of street food and contaminated water during this season also contributes to gastrointestinal infections, which can sometimes accompany flu symptoms.Treatment for summer flu mainly involves managing symptoms and allowing the body to recover naturally. Doctors recommend plenty of fluids, rest, and light, nutritious meals to boost immunity. Steam inhalation and saline gargles provide relief from throat irritation, Dr Reddy said. In cases where symptoms persist, he advised patients to seek medical attention.Preventing summer flu requires simple precautions such as staying hydrated, avoiding sudden temperature shifts, maintaining good hygiene, and consuming fresh, home-cooked meals. Dr Rao also suggested wearing breathable cotton clothing and using natural cooling methods instead of excessive air conditioning to avoid drastic temperature differences.

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