Student Tribe, India’s largest and fastest-growing student community, witnessed a spectacular evening as they hosted the Grand Finale of Student Tribe GOT – The Ultimate Talent Hunt on January 23rd at the iconic Shilpakala Vedika in Hyderabad. The event brought together the brightest young talents from across the Telugu states, showcasing their creativity, passion, and skills on a grand stage emphasizing Student Tribe’s commitment to creating opportunities for students from all backgrounds, including those in tier 2 and tier 3 colleges. The panel of esteemed judges, Hemachandra, Sandilya Pisapati, Sai Sri Charan, Harshitha Thota and Tejesh Veera had the challenging task of selecting winners from an extraordinary pool of talent. The winners of the competition were rewarded for their outstanding performances in different categories. Sumanth Riders from Nellore were declared the winner in the Group Dance category and were awarded a cash prize of ₹50,000. Shiva Rohit from Warangal won the first runner-up prize in the Mimicry category with a cash prize of ₹30,000, and Shallom from Nellore won the second runner-up prize in the Instrumental Music category with a cash prize of ₹20,000. Along with the cash prizes, all the winners were also given goodies worth ₹2 lakh collectively. Speaking about the event, Sri Charan Lakkaraju, Founder & CEO of Student Tribe, said, “Student Tribe GOT has proven to be more than just a talent hunt; it is a platform where students can connect, grow, and take bold steps toward their dreams. At Student Tribe, we believe every student has a unique talent that deserves recognition. This event stands as an inspiration for young achievers to step up, showcase their potential, and shine. We are proud to have created a space where creativity, ambition, and community come together to empower students from all backgrounds.” Student Tribe GOT embodies Student Tribe’s unwavering commitment to fostering student growth and creativity. Beyond a competition, it’s an opportunity for young individuals to explore their potential, gain recognition, and take bold steps toward their dreams. Adding to the grandeur of the evening were celebrated guests, including Naga Chaitanya, Allu Arvind and Faria Abdullah whose presence elevated the excitement and energy of the event. The celebration also included a spectacular concert by The Deccan Project, which left the audience spellbound. About Student Tribe: Student Tribe is India’s largest student community platform, dedicated to empowering students from tier 2 and tier 3 colleges who often lack access to the same opportunities as their peers in top-tier institutions. With a community of over 650,000 students across 8 cities and a cumulative reach of 2.5 million on social platforms, Student Tribe connects students with brands and companies, providing a wide range of career and skill-building opportunities. Student Tribe formerly STUMAGZ is a student community launched on Nov 26th, 2015, with the aim to create a platform for students to connect, share ideas and resources, and unlock their full potential. By focusing on students in tier 2 and 3 cities, we help brands access a previously underserved demographic, creating mutually beneficial connections that foster growth, learning, and career success. Our extensive reach across India positions us as the ideal partner for brands looking to build strong, impactful relationships with young, aspiring professionals.
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