Snow cover dips in Himalayan river basins


Snow cover dips in Himalayan river basins

CHANDIGARH: Climate change is the prime reason for a decreasing snow cover in the main river channels of Himachal Pradesh, according to a report of the State Centre on Climate Change under the aegis of the Himachal Pradesh Council for Science Technology and Environment (HIMCOSTE).The report cites an overall decline in the snow cover area by 12.72% in the basins of the Chenab, Ravi, Beas and the Sutlej during 2023-24 compared to the total area under snow in the 2022-23 winter period.The comparative steepest decline in the snow cover was in January – 67% in the Sutlej basin, 64% in the Ravi basin, 43% in the Beas basin and 42% in the Chenab basin. The snow cover in February and March showed a positive trend in all basins, the report pointed out.The winter precipitation was mapped in all basins, including the Chandra, Bhaga, Miyar, Beas, Parvati, Jiwa, Pin, Spiti and Baspa between October 2023 and April 2024. It was also seen that during the peak winter months of December-February, all basins showed a declining trend except the Sutlej basin, which showed a 2% positive trend.The report stated that the basin-wise analysis carried out from October 2023 to April 2024 and its comparison with that of 2022-23 reveals that all the four basins under investigation show varying results in October wherein the Chenab basin occupies about 50% of the total basin area under snow. The other basins occupy Beas (31%), Ravi (21%) and Satluj (12% cent) respectively.

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