He said India is considered the second most sleep-deprived country next to Japan, and not getting quality sleep indicates “a dangerous trend as sleep quality is directly linked to mental health.” Sleep deprivation could lead to mental health issues, including anxiety, stress, depression, memory impairment, learning abilities, poor sexual health, and also a weakened immune system, leading to recurrent infections and frequent falling ill, he told . “Good quality sleep in terms of duration (at least 6-7 hours for adults), consistency, and quality are essential for physical and mental well-being. Improving sleep quality can help reduce the chances of these disorders and improve cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health and overall mental well-being,” he said.Looking into why people are not able to get quality sleep, the survey found many reasons, including age-related, health-related, filling up water in places where supply is available for a short time in the early hours, household duties or professional work, tending the sick, elderly or minor child or children.However, 72% attributed it to having to use the washroom once or more during the night, which they said interrupted their sleep. “Several studies globally have shown that people with long COVID experience insomnia and sleeplessness due to anxiety. In addition, those with heart problems, asthma, diabetes, and other lifestyle diseases tend to have poor sleep patterns,” said Sachin Taparia, founder of LocalCircles.

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