Six labourers die as speeding truck loaded with sugarcane overturns in Maharashtra


Six labourers die as speeding truck loaded with sugarcane overturns in Maharashtra

“The truck loaded with sugarcane was passing through Kannad-Pishor ghat area and the sugarcane labourers were travelling on the vehicle. It overturned in the ghat area around 2.30 am,” an official from Kannad city police station told PTI.After receiving information, the police rushed to the spot and carried out a rescue operation with the help of local people.Four labourers were found dead under the heap of sugarcane and two succumbed during treatment, the official said.The deceased have been identified as Kisan Rathod (30), Manoj Chavan (23), Mithun Chavan (26), Vinod Chavan (28), Krushna Rathod (30) and Dnyaneshwar Chavan (36).They were from Satkund village and other nearby localities in Kannad, the police said.The 11 other labourers who suffered injuries were admitted to a government hospital and other medical facilities here, they said.

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