MUMBAI: The Maharashtra government on Friday set up a Special Investigation Team to probe an alleged conspiracy of the earlier Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) regime to register false criminal cases against Devendra Fadnavis and Eknath Shinde.The SIT will be headed by Satyanarayan Chaudhary, Joint Commissioner of Police (Law and Order), Mumbai Police, said a Government Resolution (GR) or order issued by the state Home department.Fadnavis, who became Chief Minister for the third time after the Mahayuti coalition’s victory in the elections last November, was Leader of Opposition in the assembly during the MVA rule that lasted from November 2019 to June 2022.Shinde, now deputy chief minister, was then part of the Uddhav Thackeray-led cabinet as urban development minister.He then rebelled against Thackeray to become CM with the BJP’s support.The decision to constitute an SIT was taken on the basis of information shared by the BJP’s Pravin Darekar in the Maharashtra legislative council during the winter session in December 2024, the GR said.Darekar had claimed that there was a conspiracy to register false cases against Fadnavis and Shinde.He also said that he had evidence in the form of audio recordings.The four-member SIT includes Rajiv Jain, Deputy Inspector General of State Reserve Police Force; Navnath Dhavle, Deputy Commissioner of Police, Mumbai police, and Adikrao Pol, Assistant Commissioner of Police, Mumbai.It will complete the probe within 30 days, the order said.
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