Siddaramaiah to Consult Advocate General on Law to Provide Jobs to Kannadigas


Deccan Chronicle

Bengaluru: Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Monday said that he will discuss with Advocate General on bringing in a law to provide jobs for Kannadigas in private sector and public sector in Karnatakaas demanded by Karnataka Rakshana Vedike (Nrayan Gowda faction), “I have assured to look into their demand taking into Constitutional aspects, said the Chief Minister.Earlier, members of Karnataka Rakshana Vedike staged a protest at Freedom Park in Bengaluru city and later met Chief Minister Siddaramaiah at his office where the president of Karnataka Rakshana Vedike T.A. Narayan Gowda submitted a memorandum to the CM pressing for his fulfillment of his demand.After meeting Chief Minister, Narayan Gowda told reporters Chief Minister assured the activists of the Vedike to look into their demand for the introduction of a law to provide jobs for Kannadigas in private, and public sector undertakings and Government jobs and the activists will wait for a month for the State Government to bring in the law in this regard.If the State Government fails to bring in a new law, he said, the activists will chalk out future courses of action to press for their demand.Gowda said he was happy with the response from the Chief Minister on bringing in a law and the Chief Minister assured the KRV that he will not compromise on issues related to Kannada and Karnataka.The KRV president said the Chief Minister stated “He is for Karnataka” and Gowda exuded confidence that a law on providing jobs, as per the Dr Sarojini Mahishi report, will come into effect in the State soon.As per the Sarojini Mahishi report, Gowda said the report implementation has been a long pending demand of the Kannadigas and the Chief Minister is also well aware of it. The report states that 90 percent of the jobs should be reserved for Kannadigas in ‘C’ and ‘D’ posts while 80 percent of the jobs be reserved for Kannadigas in ‘A’ and ‘B’ category posts. Besides, it also mentions that non-Kannadigas residing in the State for about 15 years should also be considered for job reservations through tests.

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