Warning of severe consequences if China’s project moves ahead “without safeguards”, Khandu said the neighbouring country’s plans to divert water from the Brahmaputra into its arid regions could drastically reduce the flow of the Siang river during winters.”In such a scenario, the volume of water could decrease so much that one might be able to cross the mighty river on foot,” he claimed.”The proposed Siang project would create a reservoir capable of storing 9 billion cubic meters of water. This would ensure the river maintains a consistent flow, even during dry seasons. Additionally, the reservoir would act as a buffer in case of sudden water releases from upstream Chinese dams, potentially averting catastrophic flooding in Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and Bangladesh,” he said.Acknowledging the ongoing bilateral discussions between India and China, the CM cautioned against “complacency.””China is unpredictable and can do anything,” Khandu said, underscoring the need for India to remain vigilant.”We cannot take chances when it comes to national security and the welfare of our people,” he said.The Chinese government approved the construction of the hydropower project in the lower reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo river, the Tibetan name for the Brahmaputra.It is expected to generate more than 300 billion kWh of electricity each year enough to meet the annual needs of over 300 million people.The total investment in the dam could exceed one trillion yuan (USD 137 billion), which would dwarf any other single infrastructure project on the planet, including China’s own Three Gorges Dam, regarded as the largest in the world.On the concerns of the locals, Khandu said the government would conduct extensive surveys before finalising the plans.”Only after these studies, we will know the exact location of the dam, its height, and the submergence area,” he said, adding that a public hearing will be held to listen to people’s concerns.The CM said India was a democratic country, and it does not believe in “forcing” things on its people.However, he criticised activists, accusing them of spreading misinformation among villagers about the project.He claimed that these activists were instigating people without providing accurate information about the project’s benefits.”I urge people to come forward and get their confusions addressed through dialogue,” he said.
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