On April 14, two bike-borne assailants, identified as Vicky Gupta and Sagar Pal, opened fire outside Salman Khan’s Bandra residence late at night. The shooters were later arrested in Gujarat, and the Lawrence Bishnoi gang claimed responsibility for the incident.In recent months, Salman Khan has faced repeated threats from the Lawrence Bishnoi gang, with several individuals issuing threats in the gang’s name.Last month, a man claiming to be Lawrence Bishnoi’s brother threatened the actor, demanding he visit a temple to apologise for killing a blackbuck or pay a ransom of Rs 5 crore. In October, a vegetable seller from Jamshedpur was arrested for threatening Khan and demanding Rs 5 crore. Days later, the actor received another death threat from an unknown individual, demanding a Rs 2 crore ransom. Additionally, Mumbai Police arrested a 20-year-old man from Noida for making a threat call to the actor.In response to the escalating threats, Salman Khan has been provided Y+ security. A strong police presence has been stationed outside his residence, and Mumbai Police have installed AI-powered high-resolution CCTV cameras equipped with facial recognition technology to enhance his safety.
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