DHAR: Seven persons were killed and three injured after a gas tanker collided with two four-wheelers in Madhya Pradesh’s Dhar district, police said on Thursday.The incident took place around 11 pm on Wednesday when the gas tanker was heading from the wrong side on a road near Bamansuta village on the Badnawar-Ujjain highway.”It hit a car and a jeep coming from the opposite direction. Four persons died on the spot, while three others succumbed to injuries later in hospital,” Dhar SP Manoj Kumar Singh said.After receiving the information, senior officials reached the spot to launch the rescue operation. Local residents helped in the operation, during which trapped persons were pulled out of the vehicles using a crane, the SP said.The injured persons were admitted to a hospital in neighbouring Ratlam district, he said. The victims belong to Ratlam, Mandsaur (in MP) and Jodhpur (Rajasthan) districts, the SP said.The truck driver fled from the spot after the accident.
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