CHENNAI: It was director Selvaraghavan who advised Meiyazhagan star Karthi to leave his characters behind at the end of a day’s shoot. “He said carrying the roles home would hamper our personal lives. I still follow his advice,” revealed the star during a discussion on ‘What Lies Beneath: Getting into Character’ on Monday at the ThinkEdu Conclave in Chennai. Speaking to senior journalist Kaveree Bamzai, the actor opened up about the psychological toll of his first film, Paruthiveeran (2007). “The climax of Paruthiveeran involves the male lead’s love interest being sexually assaulted by several men. It hit me so hard that I cried every day for three months. Thankfully, on the sets of Aayirathil Oruvan (2010), Selvaraghavan sir saw my preparation and advised me not to stay in character before ‘action’ and after ‘cut.’” Reflecting on how his grounded upbringing helped him connect to the world of Meiyazhagan (2024), Karthi said he didn’t have to prepare for the role. “It was my comfort zone… I’ve met people in real life like the ones in the film.”
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