During his life in the forests, Chalapathi got close to Aruna alias Chaitanya Venkat Ravi, a ‘deputy commander’ of the Andhra Odisha Border Special Zonal Committee (AOBSZC).Subsequently, they got married.He was a mystery for the security agencies but a selfie with Aruna led to his identification and a bounty of Rs 1 crore on his head.This selfie of the couple was found in an abandoned smartphone that was recovered in May 2016 following a gunfight between Maoists and security forces in Andhra Pradesh, officials said.This also restricted his movement, and forced him to travel with a dozen cadres guarding him.Fourteen Maoists, including Chalapathi, were killed in a gunfight with the security forces at the Chhattisgarh-Odisha border.Two of them were gunned down on Monday morning, police said.Another round of gunfight began late Monday night and continued till the early hours of Tuesday, in which 12 more Maoists were killed, they said.
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