NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court has directed the Amritsar police commissioner to arrest a petitioner within three days for filing bail applications twice. Noting that the petitioner was trying to take undue advantage of the law, the court imposed a cost of Rs 2 lakh on Prateek Arora.“It is a fact that even after the rejection of the first bail application and the second bail application, the petitioner has not been taken into custody. Thereby, he intends to take undue advantage of procedural law for reasons best known,” said a bench of Justices JK Maheshwari and Arvind Kumar after hearing a SLP of Arora seeking anticipatory bail in a criminal case.“We direct the Commissioner of Police, Amritsar, to arrest the petitioner within three days and to file an affidavit before the registry of this court on the fourth day,” the bench said.Also in top courtSC: Need to solve pension disparityAn SC bench said it was keen on solving the disparity in pensions of retired HC judges. A key reason cited before the court was that judges elevated from district judiciary fell under the New Pension Scheme, and those elevated from the Bar under the Old Pension Scheme.Suspension of Tihar jail official recalledThe top court on Thursday recalled its October 6, 2021 order suspending Chetram Meena, an assistant superintendent of the Tihar Central Jail, who allegedly provided facilities to former promoters of the erstwhile Unitech Group.SC: Prosecution must prove drugs seized from ‘conscious possession’ of accusedNew Delhi: The Supreme Court has said that to prove offences under the NDPS Act, the prosecution must establish that the contraband was seized from the “conscious possession” of the accused. “Conscious possession refers to a scenario where an individual not only physically possesses a narcotic drug or psychotropic substance but is also aware of its presence and nature. In other words, it requires both physical control and mental awareness,” a bench of Justices JB Pardiwala and R Mahadevan observed.
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