Mumbai: A day after actor Saif Ali Khan was stabbed at his Mumbai home, a suspect was detained and later released. However, no arrest has been made yet, the police said. Khan has been moved from the intensive care unit to a special room at Lilavati Hospital. A doctor treating him said the actor is recovering well. His movement has been restricted for almost a week due to the injury in his spine, but there is no risk of paralysis, Dr Nitin Dange informed. Niraj Uttamani, the Chief Operating Officer of Lilavati Hospital, said if the knife was 2 mm deeper, Khan would have sustained a more serious injury. Dr Dange, who performed the surgery, said, “Khan has been discharged from the ICU and has been shifted to a special room. He is doing excellent. We made him walk and there is no problem. Looking at his parameters, his wounds and all the other injuries, he is safe to be shifted out of the ICU. But he has to take rest for some time because of the wounds on the back especially which can have chances of infection. His movements are restricted for a week because he had an injury in the spine and which has been repaired.” The police determined a man resembling the suspect on Friday morning. However he was released after confirming that he was not the intruder. According to some reports, the police suspect that the intruder was known to one of the housekeepers working for the Khans and that’s how he gained access to the house. It is believed he was familiar with the building layout and had used the fire shaft to reach the top floors after scaling the wall of an adjacent compound. Maharashtra minister of state for home Yogesh Kadam ruled out the involvement of underworld in the attack. “No gang has carried out this attack. There has been no intimation from Saif Ali Khan to police till date on any threat he faced. He has not sought any security cover, but if he does so, we will follow due procedure,” the minister said.
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