The actor is fit to be moved out of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and “we are shifting him to a special room,” informed the neurosurgeon, who led the team of doctors who operated on Khan on Thursday.”Khan had three injuries, two on the hand and one on the right side of the neck. And the major part was at the back, which was in the spine, thoracic spine we call.A sharp object was lodged inside, which has gone very deep, touching the dura and the spinal cord, but it has not damaged the spinal cord,” Dr Dange said.Doctors have removed the sharp object and done repairing of the spinal injury, he explained.”He is very lucky. We repaired the leaking spinal fluid and the dura which was there. We had to do a repair, which was successful,” Dr Dange added.”Today when we made him walk, he was completely okay to walk. He is on a regular diet and that’s why we have taken a decision to shift him from the ICU to a normal special room. He has been advised bed rest in view of the deeper injury to the spine. Today we will be restricting visitors as we want Khan to rest,” he maintained.
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