Russia says it agrees with PM Modi on finding solution through dialogue and diplomacy


Russia says it agrees with PM Modi on finding solution through dialogue and diplomacy

NEW DELHI: Russia has insisted that it’s on the same page as Prime Minister Narendra Modi on seeking a solution to its war with Ukraine. During his visit to Moscow earlier this week, PM Modi said, “In the midst of bombs, guns and bullets, solutions and peace talks do not succeed. We will have to follow the peace path only through talks.”On Wednesday, Russia’s Charge d’ Affaires in New Delhi Roman Babushkin said, “We would like to have peace with Ukraine through dialogue and diplomacy as PM Modi has mentioned. In fact, on June 14, President Putin said that he wanted to end the conflict with Ukraine provided Ukraine promised to be neutral, non-nuclear and recognised the territories that have been acquired by Russia.” Russia has said that the peace summit on Ukraine held in Switzerland was a ‘tamasha’, asking how could it be held without Russia. It also said that Ukraine targeted Russian facilities and would like the attack on a children’s hospital in Kyiv to be investigated.”The US should stop interfering in other countries’ internal matters. The world’s focus was suddenly on PM Modi and his visit to Moscow. Russia and India have been long term friends and there isn’t anything unusual about it. It was the West again that drew inferences on Russia’s growing proximity with China as being a reason for PM Modi’s visit, which isn’t true. Russia, India and China have emerged as a strong bloc in Eurasia and that is not going down well with them,” Babushkin said.

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