Though, the arms imports by states in Asia and Oceania dropped by 21 per cent between 2015–19 and 2020–24, mainly because of a sharp decrease in Chinese arms imports. Nevertheless, Asia and Oceania remained the region with the highest volume of arms imports, accounting for 33 per cent of the global total in 2020–24. Four of the world’s 10 largest arms importers in the period were in Asia and Oceania: India, Pakistan, Japan and Australia. The main suppliers to the region were the USA (accounting for 37 per cent of regional arms imports), Russia (17 per cent) and China (14 per cent).The top exporters listSIPRI has identified 64 states as exporters of major arms in 2020–24. The five largest exporters of arms during that period—the USA, France, Russia, China and Germany—accounted for just under three quarters (72 per cent) of all arms exports. US and French arms exports rose between 2015–19 and 2020–24, while Russian, Chinese and German arms exports fell. The USA and states in Western Europe together accounted for 73 per cent of all arms exports in 2020–24, compared with 61 per cent in 2015–19.The USA’s arms exports grew by 21 per cent between 2015–19 and 2020–24, and its share of global arms exports went from 35 per cent to 43 per cent, which was almost as much as the next eight largest exporters combined. The USA supplied major arms to 107 states in 2020–24.Other arms exporterAmong the other major exporters, finds SIPRI, China accounted for 5.9 per cent of global arms exports in 2020–24, which was a slightly lower share than in 2015–19. “While China is looking to increase its arms exports globally, many of the world’s largest importers still choose not to buy major arms from China for political reasons.”, think tank added.
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