LUCKNOW: Samajwadi Party (SP) president Akhilesh Yadav on Thursday said providing jobs was not on the BJP government’s agenda, and added that recruitment to government posts via outsourcing was an “economic conspiracy” against marginalised people.Yadav shared on social media platform X a newspaper clipping and an advertisement that said the posts of Tehsildar, Naib Tehsildar, Revenue Inspector and Lekhpal were being filled through outsourcing.This was a move to snatch the constitutional right of job reservation, he said in a post on X.”It would be better if the BJP outsources the entire ‘government’ so that all its commissions come from one place. By doing this, the BJP will not have to take the great trouble of giving a small number of jobs while ending reservations under its pretext,” he posted in Hindi.”We have always been saying, we are repeating it again today: jobs are not on the agenda of the BJP,” he said.
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