Ranbir Kapoor has given updates on his upcoming films: Animal Park, Brahmastra 2 and Ramayana. In a recent interview with Deadline Hollywood, Ranbir shared that the second instalment of the Animal franchise will go on floors in 2027 since the film’s director Sandeep Reddy Vanga is busy with another project (likely, the Prabhas-starrer Spirit). “The director is making another film right now. We should start that film in 2027. He just kind of flirted with what he really wanted to do with the movie.”The actor also revealed that there will be a third part to Animal. “He (Sandeep) wants to make it over three parts. The second part is called Animal Park. We’ve been sharing ideas from the first film itself, and how he wants to take the story forward. It’s very exciting because now I get to play two characters, the antagonist and the protagonist. So, an extremely exciting project and extremely original director and very excited to be part of it,” added Ranbir.He also went on to share that his wife and actor Alia Bhatt will return in the second part of Brahmastra and that he has finished shooting for Ramayana Part 1 and will soon start working on the second instalment. He will be essaying the role of Lord Ram in the films. Sai Pallavi is reportedly playing Sita, while TV actor Ravi Dubey will be seen in the role of Lakshman.(This story originally appeared on Cinema Express)
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