NEW DELHI: Rajshri Productions announced on Sunday that it has re-released the popular romance drama “Maine Pyar Kiya”, starring Salman Khan and Bhagyashree, to mark the film’s 35th anniversary.The movie, which originally released on December 29, 1989, was the directorial debut of Sooraj Barjatya.It was Salman’s first film as a leading man and Bhagyashree’s acting debut.”Maine Pyar Kiya” explored themes of class, friendship, love and family values and, till date enjoys massive fan following owing to its memorable music and dialogues like “Dosti ka ek usool hai madam, no sorry, no thank you.” Production banner Rajshri Productions shared a post on its Instagram handle marking the occasion.A movie that changed our perspective on love. From deep friendship to magical romance, ‘Maine Pyar Kiya’ is a timeless classic that captures the hearts of millions.It’s an epic and first directed masterpiece by #SoorajBarjatya which gave us Prem and Suman for life @beingsalmankhan.”Let’s celebrate 35 years of #MainePyarKiya together! Let us know your favourite dialogue from the movie #35YearsOfMainePyarKiya,” read the caption of the post.”Maine Pyar Kiya” is also remembered for songs, including “Kabootar Ja Ja Ja”, “Dil Deewana”, “Aaja Shaam Hone Aayi”, and “Aate Jaate Hanste Gaate”.The soundtrack was composed by Raamlaxman with lyrics by Dev Kohli and Asad Bhopali.The film also starred Alok Nath, Mohnish Bahl, Reema Lagoo, Rajeev Verma, Ajit Vachani, and Laxmikant Berde.
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