Rajinikanth’s Vettaiyan clocks Rs 17 cr from AP/TG?


Deccan Chronicle

Superstar Rajnikanth’s charisma and popularity are growing by the day in the two Telugu states.”Rajinikanth’s upcoming film ‘Vettaiyan’ has been bought for Rs 17 crores in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana,’ says a distributor. Earlier, Rajnikanth movie ‘Jailer’ minted gold at the box office by clocking more Rs 35 crore net collections in the two Telugu states. “It was bought for Rs 13 crores by Asean-Suresh and they made good money. Now again they are betting their money on another action adventure and Rajinkanth’s charisma and stylized action episodes,” he adds.Although few films of Rajinikanth like ‘Darbar’ to ‘Laal Salaam’ turned out to be flops, still Tamil superstar commands some respect and fan following among Telugu viewers. “It is the highest price offered by Telugu distributors since they are hopeful to recover since the film boasts of big casting-Amitabh Bacchan, Rana Daggubati and Faahad Faasil’ and it’s more of a multi-starrer which are doing well these days,” he points out.The film being directed by ‘Jai Bhim’ director T J Gnanavel is all set to expose corruption in the online education system and how their numbers are manipulated to draw more students.

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