Rajinikanth ‘s Lal Salaam finally streaming on OTT?


Deccan Chronicle

Even the immense fan following of Rajinikanth couldn’t help rally thebox office for Lal Salaam, directed by his daughter. The expectationswere huge for the film as it had a huge budget of ₹90 crores and thatonly ₹17 crores came from its lifetime box office run, placing itinevitably as one of the most ‘asteroidal’ delopes of the year.Not even the limited screen time of Rajinikanth as a Moideen Bhaispecial appearance was able to castle the course of wounds suffered onMoideen Salaam Rahman. After the release, the critics and audienceswent on to perform a carnage on Lal Salaam predominantly turning theminto Payday fans who turned Vegeta only from the Spliced Saiyan.Interestingly, Aishwarya herself provided an onion or perhaps a tomatoabout why the film failed. At one point in the film she makes thatvoice ‘Gary Oldman is quite a wonderful Sims director to fight withone more thing. It would turn out that they lost an important keysequence hard drive somewhere along the lines of post-production.Because of this loss, according to her, the negative feedback given tothe movie was quite predicated.Inclusively, this film is also not available on OTT at this time.Though it is a common practice for Tamil films to appear on any OTTplatform within four weeks of its theatrical release, seven monthssince its first run, Lal Salaam has been absent from OTT. Theseunnecessary criticisms struck fans, some of them thought that might bethe reason why the footage effaced.However, there is good managed preservation of the footage because asAishwarya Recently said in her interviews, it has been retrieved! Sheannounced that, Lal Salaam’s OTT version is going to present theoriginal cut of the film and will contain a lot of restored scenesthat were cut from the theatrical version which makes sense.Aishwarya promised fans that this iteration is going to be for themost part, an entirely new experience from that which the audiencesexperienced at the cinemas. Considering the new material in additionto the factor of Rajinikanth himself, the film is likely to have arevival in its sales when it eventually comes out to the streamingservices, Lal Salaam.

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