Rajasthan BJP MLA slams state Congress chief Govind Dotasra for remarks against Maharana Pratap-


Rajasthan BJP MLA slams state Congress chief Govind Dotasra for remarks against Maharana Pratap-


JAIPUR: Lashing out at PCC chief Govind Singh Dotasra for his remarks against Maharana Pratap, former education minister and BJP MLA Vasudev Devnani on Friday said the statement was an insult to the warrior who sacrificed his life to protect the pride of the motherland.

Dotasra on Thursday stated that the fight between Maharana Pratap and Akbar was for power but the BJP gave it a religious colour.

प्रदेश कांग्रेस अध्यक्ष श्री @GovindDotasra ने मुस्लिम वोटबैंक की ख़ातिर लगातार महाराणा प्रताप की शौर्यता एव बलिदान का अपमान कर रहे हैं।तुष्टिकरण के लालच में इन्होंने मातृभूमि के गौरव के संघर्ष को सत्ता का संघर्ष कहकर महाराणा के स्वर्णिम इतिहास को कलंकित करने का प्रयास किया हैं। pic.twitter.com/OleqOG0KKl
— Vasudev Devnani (@VasudevDevnani) February 18, 2022
“Mahatma Gandhi praised Maharana Pratap’s bravery at the Round Table Conference in London. Even Vietnam also talked about taking inspiration from the battle of Haldighati. After the formation of the state government, there is a constant conspiracy to weaken the glorious history of the great men,” Devnani said.

He tweeted that Maharana Pratap did not let the self-respect of the Mewar be lowered after fighting for the pride and independence of the motherland and even after facing many difficulties. “Calling the struggle for freedom of such a great warrior as a struggle for power is a sign of a frustrated mentality,” he said.

During a meeting of party workers in Nagaur on Thursday, Dotasra had said that it was a struggle for power but the BJP gave it a religious colour and said it was a religious fight between Maharana Pratap and Akbar. “The BJP sees everything through the Hindu-Muslim religious point of view,” he had said in the meeting.

Maharana Pratap was the Rajput ruler of Mewar in Rajasthan who fought the battle of Haldighati with the forces of Mughal emperor Akbar, led by Man Singh- I of Amber, in 1576.

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