Hyderabad: Goshamahal BJP MLA Raja Singh on Tuesday criticized the Congress chief Mallikarjun Kharge’s remarks on the ongoing Mahakumbh mela in Prayagraj, stating that such comments hurt the sentiments of millions of devotees and undermine its cultural significance. At a time when lakhs of people from India and from different countries are taking part in the mela and performing pooja, the remarks made by Kharge was unacceptable. Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath made massive arrangements for the convenience of pilgrims. But Kharge, who is mindless, made comments asking, “Whether people get food by taking part in Mahakumbh mela.” Raja Singh, in a video released after taking a holy dip in Prayagraj, said that taking a dip would not get food but people like Kharge, Congress MP Rahul Gandhi and former MP Sonia Gandhi visit this place and take a holy dip then they will get ‘mukti’ from the sins committed from their ancestors period. “It is not advisable on the part of Congress leaders to do politics on every issue. This is our faith and Hindus faith. People are getting a chance to take part in the Prayagraj Mahakumbh mela after 144 years. Our great-grandfather and grandfathers could not get this opportunity but we got this opportunity. The forthcoming generation would get this opportunity only after 144 years,” he explained. When lakhs of people are participating in the mela with enthusiasm, the comments made by Kharge were meaningless and it was the high time to change their mindset, he said. Today, the Congress ‘mukth’ Bharat was happening and Kharge should keep this in mind. Those who voted Congress in previous elections would not extend the same support in the next elections because of his comments, Raja Singh said. “We request Rahul Gandhi, Sonia Gandhi and all the Congress leaders to take a holy dip to remove all their sins,” he added.
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