Gautam Adani, Adani Group chairman, met Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai at his official residence in Raipur on Sunday and assured an investment of Rs 75,000 crore in areas of power, cement, education, health, skill, and tourism. The major investment plan would be in the Adani Group’s energy and cement projects. Adani discussed about a planned investment of Rs 60,000 crore to expand the group’s power plants in Raipur, Korba and Raigarh in the state. The expansion will enhance Chhattisgarh’s total power generation capacity by an additional 6,120 MW.Maoist couples tie nuptial knotsLove and trust conquered the ideology of violence for Mahesh-Hemla and Madkam-Ravva, the two surrendered Maoist couples. They got married in Sukma district. Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai also attended the ceremony. Mahesh, Hemla Munni, Madkam and Ravva were associated with CPI (Maoist) for years, gave up arms and surrendered six months ago. Maoists strictly debar having a family life in their social milieu. The administration solemnised their marriages with rituals under the welfare scheme ‘Chief Minister Kanya Vivah Yojana’.
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