PATNA: Rahul Gandhi, Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha, will arrive in the state capital on Saturday to participate in the ‘Samvidhan Suraksha Sammelan’ and a workers’ meeting. Preparations for the senior Congress leader’s visit have been completed, with Sadaquat Ashram, the headquarters of the Congress party, beautifully decorated for the occasion. Bihar Congress President Akhilesh Prasad Singh stated that party workers are elated about their leader’s visit to Patna. On Thursday, the Congress organised a meeting attended by prominent party leaders, including AICC in-charge Mohan Prakash and State President Akhilesh Prasad Singh. Speaking to the media, Congress MLA Shakeel Ahmad Khan shared that party workers from across Bihar would gather in Patna for the various events, including the workers’ conference and the ‘Samvidhan Suraksha Sammelan’. The ‘Samvidhan Suraksha Sammelan’, set to be held at Bapu Sabhagar, is part of a series of conclaves that Rahul Gandhi has been addressing nationwide.
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