Quality primary education in 18 local dialects soon across tribal areas of Chhattisgarh


Quality primary education in 18 local dialects soon across tribal areas of Chhattisgarh

The literacy rate in Chhattisgarh at 70.28 percent remains below the national figure stands at over 76 percent and the education scenario in the tribal areas often remains a matter of concern.The state government is giving thrust towards implementation of the NEP 2020 particularly in the tribal areas. The intended plan is to make education more inclusive and accessible to children in their native languages. There will also be efforts to keep the children’s mother tongue as the conversational language between the students and teachers.“The state government’s vision besides encouraging multilingualism will also safeguard the perceived endangered languages of tribals and give a boost to children’s creativity and mental process of acquiring quality education”, said a senior officer in the education department.The local dialect/language will be introduced at the foundation and primary school stage. “The use of local language in early childhood education can lead to a much better understanding and will notably impact the academic performance of learners”, Dinesh Sharma, headmaster, a government high school in Bagiya told TNIE. The state government in addition has laid special emphasis on vocational education with plans to enhance skill development programmes in the tribal areas. The high-quality textbooks for various courses would also be made available in regional languages to meet the intended objectives.

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